Criminal law & economic crimes

Contraband & trafficking

As a carrier seeking legal aid, understandingthe complexities of contraband and trafficking is crucial to protect yourbusiness interests. Contraband refers to illegal goods, and traffickinginvolves their unlawful transportation and distribution. At ITL Attorneys, weoffer immediate assistance to carriers in navigating these challenging issues.We can provide comprehensive legal guidance to ensure your operations complywith international and domestic regulations, reducing the risk of unintentionalinvolvement in illegal activities.

Our experienced attorneys can draft and reviewcontractual agreements, incorporating robust compliance measures, andconducting risk assessments to safeguard against handling contrabandunwittingly. In the unfortunate event of an allegation or suspicion related totrafficking or contraband transportation, our legal team will provide a strongdefense, protecting your rights and interests throughout any legal proceedingswithin the EU and UK.

By seeking legal aid from ITL Attorneys,carriers can proactively prevent potential legal risks, protect theirreputation, and ensure strict adherence to the law. Our dedication to thetransport and logistics industry enables us to offer tailored and effectivelegal solutions, ultimately contributing to the success and compliance of youroperations.


Frederik Vanden Bogaerde
Andrzej Plutynski
Kevin Vierhout
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